Welcome to deBUG.to Community where you can ask questions and receive answers from Microsoft MVPs and other experts in our community.

Reputation points | deBUG.to

Reputation Points System

Activity Points
Posting a question 2
Selecting an answer to your question 3
Up vote on your question 5
Down vote on your question -1
Posting an answer 5
Your answer selected as the best 30
Up vote on your answer 10
Down vote on your answer -2
Up vote on your comment 1
Down vote on your comment 0
Voting up a question 1
Voting down a question 0
Voting up an answer 2
Voting down an answer 0
Register as a new user 10

User Titles based on points

Title Points
Newbie 0
Explorer 50
Contributor 200
Guru 1,000
Geek 3,000
Leader 5,000
Expert 8,000
MVP 10,000

1k questions

671 answers


193k users

تعلم بالعربي PowerApps

تعلم بالعربي Power Automate

If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!