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I have the below programming code and I need to convert it to PowerShell script. What are the logical operators in PowerShell to write Less Than or Equal to value and Greater Than value?

If(var <= 10 && var > 0)
   printif "Hello World" 

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How to use Less Than or Equal To in PowerShell

In PowerShell, to can use the Logical operator Less than or Equal to, you have to use -le logical operator.


$var = 5 
If($var -le 10 && $var -gt 0)
   Write-Host "Hello World" 

Logical Operators List in PowerShell

Below is the list of Logical Operators List in PowerShell:

1) Equal in PowerShell



If($var -eq "debug")
   Write-Host "Hello World" 

2) Not Equal in PowerShell



If($var -ne "debug")
   Write-Host "Hello World" 

3) Greater Than in PowerShell



If($var -gt 10)
   Write-Host "Hello World" 

4) Greater Than or Equal in PowerShell



If($var -ge 10)
   Write-Host "Hello World" 

5) Less Than in PowerShell



If($var -lt "debug")
   Write-Host "Hello World" 

5) Less Than or Equal to in PowerShell



If($var -le 10)
   Write-Host "Hello World" 

6) Not in PowerShell

! OR -not


If($var -not "debug")
   Write-Host "Hello World" 

7) OR in PowerShell


8) And in PowerShell


9) Like in PowerShell

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