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In SharePoint Online, I can find save list as template option in SharePoint classic list. but, the save list as a template is missing in SharePoint Modern list? Am I missing any settings to save a modern list as a template in SharePoint online?

save list as template is missing in SharePoint Online modern list

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SharePoint Online: Save list as a template is missing

It's normal behavior, In SharePoint Online Modern sites, there is no option to save a list as a template from List Settings. however, you still can save a list as a template in SharePoint online through one of the below workarounds.

Workarounds to Save Modern List as Template in SharePoint Online

There are three workarounds to save a list as a template for Modern List in SharePoint Online as the following:

  1. Create a new list from the existing one.
  2. Enable custom script in SharePoint Online (Not recommended)
  3. Using PnP to save a modern list as template.

1) Create a new list from the existing List in SharePoint Online

You can now create a new list from an existing list located at any site that you have permission below your tenant as the following:

  • Open your site.
  • Click on Site Content > New List.
    create list from another list in SharePoint online
  • Click on "Existing List".
    create list from existing list in sharepoint online
  • Select the site that you need to create a list from.
    save list as template in SharePoint Online

Advantage of creating a list from an existing list in SharePoint Online

  1. Unlike the traditional save list as template, this method will include the lookup list that used with lookup columns.
  2. It copies columns, and views, and column formatting.

Disadvantage of creating a list from an existing list in SharePoint Online

  1. it doesn't include the content.

2) Enable custom script in SharePoint Online

By default, the custom script is turned off in SharePoint Online for security implications.

enable Custom script in SharePoint Online

  • You can enable the custom script through the SharePoint Admin Center or SharePoint Online PowerShell.
  • To enable Custom script, Please, check the detailed steps at Enable Save List as Template for SharePoint Modern List and Sites.
  • After enabling the custom script, you will need to go to list settings, and in the above URL, just replace listedit.aspx with savetmpl.aspx.

Note: Changes to enable custom script might take up to 24 hours to take effect!

3) Save a modern list as a template using PowerShell

  • Instead of enabling the custom script, it's recommended to use PnP to save a list as a template as mentioned in this article. but it doesn't support a list with people and group fields.

See Also

by 8 8 10
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The first option is suitable for me, Thank you!
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