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in SQL Server Reporting Services by 12 12 19
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In SSRS, I have a report with a parameter that allows NULL values to filter my report, I am trying to use IIF expression to check if a parameter is NULL OR EMPTY in SSRS.


The above IIF expression works properly if the parameter value is empty but it doesn't work if the parameter is NULL!

Please, I need to know What's the best way I should use to check if a parameter is NULL OR EMPTY in SSRS?

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How to check if a parameter is NULL in SSRS?

To check if a parameter is NULL in SSRS, you have to use IsNothing() function as shown below:


The IsNothing() function returns True if the Paramter value is NULL , otherwise it will return FALSE.

How to check if a parameter is BLANK in SSRS?

To check if a parameter is BLANK or EMPTY in SSRS, you have two options:

Option1: Using Len function, to check the count of string as below


Option2: simply, check if the value is equal to ""


How to check if a parameter is NULL or BLANK in SSRS?

In your case, I would suggest using the below expression to check if a parameter is NULL OR EMPTY in SSRS.

=IIF((IsNothing(Parameters!Name.Value)=True) OR
If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!