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I got this error "Sorry, something went wrong, The content database in this cluster are full.  You cannot add more Web sites until you change the content database Web site capacity settings or add more content databases." when creating a new site collection in SharePoint 2019. How to solve this error?

The content database in this cluster are full

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Solving: The content database in this cluster are full.

This error "The content database in this cluster are full. You cannot add more Web sites until you change the content database Web site capacity settings or add more content databases." occurs in case the Maximum Number of Site Collections of the attached content database for the current web application reached the maximum limit.

To solve this error, you have two options as the following

  1. Increase the Maximum Number of Site Collections .
  2. Add a new Content Database to the current Web Application

1) How to increase the Maximum Number of Site Collections in a SharePoint Content Database

You have two options to increase the maximum number of site collections per content database

  1. Limit the maximum number of sites collections per content database using Central Administration
    • Open SharePoint Central Administration
    • Click on Application Management > Databases> Manage Content Databases.
      Manage Content Databases
    • Select your web application, the attached content databases will be shown,
      Contet database list per web application
    • Click on your database name to edit its properties.
    • At Database Capacity Settings, increase the current value for Maximum number of sites that can be created in this database as well as Number of sites before a warning event is generated
      SharePoint Content Database Capacity Settings
    • Click OK to save your settings.
    • Go back to create a new site collection under the current web application that should be created without facing this error "The content database in this cluster are full. "
  1. Limit the maximum number of sites collections per content database Using PowerShell
    - You can use the below PowerShell Script to limit the maximum number of sites that can be created in the content database as the following:

         Set-SPContentDatabase -Identity "Database Name" -MaxSiteCount 10  -WarningSiteCount 9

2) How to add a new content database for a SharePoint Web Application.

If the site collections in your content database e reached the maximum limit, so in this case, you have to add additional content database to hold the new site collections that will be created.

To create a new Content Database, you should do the following:

  1. Open SharePoint Central Administration
  2. Click on Application Management > Databases> Manage Content Databases.
    Manage Content Databases
  3. Select your web application, the attached content databases will be shown,
    Contet database list per web application
  4. Click on Add a content database to create a new one under the selected we application.

You can also create a new content database using PowerShell as mentioned at New-SPContentDatabase

See Also

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