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in SharePoint Server by 5 5 7
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I have a SharePoint 2016 farm, this farm has multiple database servers and I want to get the database server that my configuration database hosted on it using PowerShell.

Which Database Servers hold the SharePoint configuration database on my farm using PowerShell??

1 Answer

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Best answer

Which Database Servers hold the SharePoint configuration database on my farm?

You have two options to get the SharePoint Configuration Database Server

  1. Using PowerShell.
  2. Using Central Administration.

Get the SharePoint Configuration Database Server using PowerShell

(Get-SPDatabase | ?{$_.Type -eq “Configuration Database”}).server

Get the SharePoint Configuration Database Server using Central Administration

In "Manage Servers In this farm", Check "Configuration Database Server"

For more details, Please Check Get SharePoint Config Database Server via PowerShell and Get SharePoint Farm Build Version

by 5 5 7
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thanks brother for these helpful details ,appreciated
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