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Is there any PowerShell command that can help me know when the last time the user changed his password in Azure Active Directory using PowerShell?

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How to get the last time the user changed his password in AzureAD using PowerShell?

In Azure Active Directory, There is a PowerShell cmdlet called Get-MsolUser that is used to get the user's details from Azure Active Directory.

1) Get the last password change time for a specific user in AzureAD using PowerShell

The below cmdlet, lets you get the last time password change for a specific user using PrincipalName

Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "debug@debuto.onmicrosoft.com" | Select-Object DisplayName, LastPasswordChangeTimeStamp

2) Get the last password change time for all users in AzureAD using PowerShell

The below cmdlet gets the last password change time up to 2000 enabled users.

Get-MsolUser  -EnabledFilter EnabledOnly -MaxResults 2000 |  DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, LastPasswordChangeTimeStamp 

Read more at Get-MsolUser

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