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in Azure by 18 25 33
We recently enabled Microsoft Entra security defaults in our tenant. While it has improved our overall security, some users are facing issues with older email clients that rely on legacy authentication protocols.

Could you provide guidance on handling such challenges when security defaults block legacy authentication?

1 Answer

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As you know, Microsoft Entra security defaults block legacy authentication protocols like IMAP, POP, and SMTP, as these are more vulnerable to attacks.

Below are some guidance on handling such challenges when security defaults block legacy authentication:

  • Inform users about the security risks of legacy protocols and the need to upgrade to modern authentication methods.
  • Replace or update older email clients and applications that do not support modern authentication.
  • If you have Entra Premium licenses, create Conditional Access policies to allow legacy authentication only for specific users or applications temporarily.

Note: Microsoft Outlook versions 2016 and later fully support modern authentication.

by 18 25 33
0 0
Yes, Our organization has Entra Premium licenses, so Conditional Access policies can allow this, right?
by 173 237 463
1 0
Yes, it's correct!
by 18 25 33
0 0
Thanks for your confirmation Mohamed, I have asked another question about this , could you please help me as usual!

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