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I am an owner of many teams in Microsoft Teams, some of these teams are not used for a long time and I am planning to delete them. but as per the mentioned advice in this answer How to restore deleted team in Microsoft Teams? I should think first about archiving a no longer needed team instead of deleting it permanently.

But In the Microsoft Team desktop client app, the archive team option is missing and I can't find any option to archive a team in the Manage Team list as below:

Archive Team option is missing in Microsoft Teams Desktop client App

Is it possible to archive a team in the Microsoft Teams Desktop Client App? If yes, Where can I archive a team in the Microsoft Team desktop client app?

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How to archive a Team in Microsoft Teams Desktop Client App?

There is no option for archiving a team In the more option list for a specific team, Instead, you should use Manage Team settings as the following:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams Desktop Client App or web.
  2. Click on the Teams tab.
  3. Go down, and besides Join or create a Team, click on the gear settings icon to manage your teams.
    Manage Teams in Microsoft Teams Client
  4. At the Teams tab, you will find all active teams list that you can manage.
  5. Check which team that you would like to archive and click on the eclipse ... to get more options.
  6. In this list, you will be able to find Archive a team option as shown below:
    archive a team in Microsoft Teams App

Note: If you would like to prevent people from editing the content in the SharePoint site and Wiki tab for the archived team, make sure that you have checked `Make the SharePoint site read-only for team members. in this case, only Teams owners will still be able to edit the SharePoint site and Wiki tab content.
This will freeze all team activity, but you'll still be able to add or remove members and update roles.

How to restore an archived team in Microsoft Teams Desktop Client App?

In Microsoft Teams, to make an archived team active back, you should do the following:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams Desktop Client App or web.
  2. Click on the Teams tab.
  3. Go down, and besides Join or create a Team, click on the gear settings icon to manage your teams.
  4. At the Teams tab, you will find all archived teams list.
  5. Check which team that you would like to restore and make it active and click on the eclipse ... to get more options.
  6. In this list, you will be able to find the Restore option, click on it to make the team active back.
    restore an archived team in Microsoft Teams

See Also

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