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in Project Server - EPM by 2 2 5
So, just set up a new Project Server 2013 development farm. Restored WSS and PWA databases, mounted and created the PWA instance. Same domain, different farms. Everything fine.

Now, a few weeks later, I need to update dev farm it with the latest data.

Do I really need to delete the PWA site, the Site collection, the PWA and WSS content databases? Then restore databases, mount and reprovision PWA site?

Can´t I just restore the PWA and WSS databases overwriting them and upgrade the PWA site? There has to be a faster way to just update the data.

Thanks for the help.

1 Answer

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PWA 2013 Migration from one farm to another

Let me first answer your question

Do I really need to delete the PWA site, the Site collection, the PWA, and WSS content databases? Then restore databases, mount, and reprovision PWA site?

As a short answer: No, you don't need to do that! Instead, you should do the following:

How to move PWA instance from one farm to another?

First, make sure that the development farm build number is NOT higher than the Production farm build number for more details, check Find Farm Patch Level / latest Cumulative Update that has been installed on SharePoint Farm

In Production farm,

  • Specify the Web Application content databases.
  • Specify the PWA instance with its ‘Project Web App‘ database.
  • Take a full database backup for the PWA instance database.
  • Take a full database backup for the web application content databases.
  • Backup all the deployed SharePoint solutions (WSP) in your farm if exist.

In Development farm,

  • Take a full database backup for the following database to enable the rollback if the migration process failed.
  • ProjectWebApp.(Projects Database).
  • WSS_Content.(The web application Content Database).
  • WSS_Content_PWA.(In case of you are using an independent Content Database for PWA Instance).
  • Dismount Project Web App Instance.
  • Dismount PWA Instance Content Database.
  • Dismount Web Application Content Databases.
  • Restore the source databases backup.
  • Mount ‘WSS_Content‘ Content Database.
  • Mount ‘WSS_Content_PWA‘ Content Database.
  • Mount ‘ProjectWebApp‘ Project Database.
  • Mount the PWA Instance.
  • Deploy your custom WSP solution if exist.
  • Change the site collection administrator.
  • Change PWA Instance Administrator.
  • Perform a Bulk Update connected SharePoint sites.
  • Update Project Server Cube settings.

For more details, check my article Project Server 2013 Migration from Staging to Production Farm

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by 2 2 5
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Thanks! Worked OK!
by 1 1 3
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Great answer!
If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!