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Hello experts, I am new to Microsoft Teams, and I need to know  How can I enable dark mode in Microsoft teams for Mobile APP and Desktop App?

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Enable dark mode in Microsoft teams Desktop App

To enable dark mode in Microsoft teams Desktop App, you should do the following:


  1. Open Microsoft Teams, click on the User Icon on the top right side.
  2. Click on Settings.
    Enable dark mode in Microsoft Team desktop app
  3. In General, Below Theme, check "Dark" or "High Contrast" as you prefer.
    how to enable dark mode in Microsoft Team desktop app

Once you select the Dark them it will be reflected automatically, and will not be requested to restart Desktop App as you need in Mobile App.

Enable dark mode in Microsoft teams Mobile App

To enable dark mode in Microsoft teams Mobile App, you should do the following:


  1. Open your Microsoft Teams Mobile App, then click on the App launcher > Click on "Settings".
    Enable dark mode in Microsoft Team mobile app
  2. Below "General", enable Dark Theme.
    how to enable dark mode in Microsoft Team mobile app

Note: you will be asked to restart the Microsoft Teams Mobile App to reflect your Theme changes

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