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in Power Automate by 24 27 35

I am trying to post a message to Microsoft Teams channel from Power Automate that working as expected but when trying to tag someone or @mention user in Microsoft Teams from Power Automate the user/person is not getting mentioned in Microsoft Teams from Power Automate!

@mention user in microsoft teams from power automate

How can I tag a person and @mentione user in Microsoft Teams using Power Automate?

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Power Automate: How to @mentione user in Microsoft Teams?

You have two options to @mention a user or person in Microsoft Teams in Power Automate as the following:

  1. Using <at>UserEmail</at> tag
  2. Using Get @mention token for a user..

1) @mention user in Microsoft Teams using Power Automate.

  1. In your message body, switch the message body to a code.
    switch to code view in Power Automate
  2. Select the User Email and enclose it with the tag Ex: <at>UserEmail</at>
    mention user in Teams from power automate

    Note: To mention a user in Microsoft Teams from Power Automate, you must use its email, not the User ID!

  3. Run your flow and check the Microsoft Teams, you will note that the specified user has been mentioned successfully as below.
    mention person in Power automate

2) Get @mention token for a user in Power Automate.

The second option to @mention a person in Microsoft Teams from Power Automate is using Get @mention token for a user action.

  1. Before posting a message action, add a new action called Get @mention token for a user .
    get mention token for a user in power automate
  2. At "User" field, make sure that you have provided the correct User Email Field.
    tag user in power automate
  3. At "Post message in a chat or channel" action, in Message Body, add the predefined property Get @mention token for a user
    mention person in Microsoft Teams from Power Automate
  4. Run your flow and check the Microsoft Teams, you will note that the specified user has been mentioned successfully as below.
    mention person in Power automate

See also, How to Format Date in Power Automate?

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