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in Web Development by 22 28 34

Is it possible to add custom subject and body in HTML Mailto? I need when click on link redirect to email adress with a default custom subject and body

<a href="mailto:email@example.com">Send Email</a>


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Add Parameters to MailTo Link in HTML

In the MailTo link in HTML, you can add the below parameters:

  • subject - for the subject line,
  • cc - for sending a carbon copy,
  • bcc - for sending a blind carbon copy,
  • body - for the message's body text.

MailTo link in HTML Example

In this example, you can use To, CC, BCC, Subject, and Body in MailTo link in HTML

<a href="mailto:email@example.com?cc=secondemail@example.com, anotheremail@example.com, &bcc=lastemail@example.com&subject=Mail from our debug.to&body=Welcome to debug.to">Send Email</a>


use To, CC, BCC, Subject, and Body in MailTo link in HTML

Add a subject in the MailTo link in HTML

To add a subject to MailTo link, you can use the below code:

<a href="mailto:email@example.com?subject=Mail from our debug.to">Send Email</a>

Add a body in the MailTo link in HTML

To add a body to MailTo link, you can use the below code:

<a href="mailto:email@example.com?body=Welcome to debug.to">Send Email</a>

Add a CC mail in the MailTo link in HTML

To add a CC to MailTo link, you can use the below code:

<a href="mailto:email@example.com?cc=secondemail@example.com, anotheremail@example.com">Send Email</a>

Add a BCC mail in the MailTo link in HTML

To add a BCC to MailTo link, you can use the below code:

<a href="mailto:email@example.com?bcc=lastemail@example.com">Send Email</a>
by 22 28 34
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That's very clear, thank you
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