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I have the below complex SQL query and I need to convert this SQL query to DAX formulas in Power BI desktop, How I can do that?



    sum(ProductivityGain) ProductivityGainHours, sum(ProductivitySavings) ProductivitySavings,

    sum(leavesGranted)  leavesGrantedDays,  

    sum(leavesGranted) /  sum(headCount) avgLeaveGrantedDaysPerEmployee,

    sum(leavesTaken) leavesTakenHours,

    round(100.00*(sum(leavesTaken) /  (sum(leavesGranted)*8)),3) leaveRate,

    round((sum(leavesTaken)/8) /  sum(headCount),3) avgLeaveTakenDaysPerEmployee,

    (sum(leavesGranted) - sum(leavesTaken)/8) /  sum(headCount) avgLeaveRemainingDaysPerEmployee,

    round((avg(hourlyRate)*((sum(leavesGranted) - sum(leavesTaken)/8)) /  sum(headCount)),3) avgLeaveRemainingPotentialSavingsPerEmployee,

    round(sum(annualLeaveRemaingDays) / sum(headCount),3) avgAnnualLeaveDaysRemaing



    (select f.employeeid,f.GlobalclientId clientId, d.departmentName, l.leaveType,


        when datepart(year,dateOfBirth) between 2013 and 2025 then 'Gen Alpha'

        when  datepart(year,dateOfBirth) between 1995 and 2012 then 'Gen Z'

        when  datepart(year,dateOfBirth) between 1980 and 1994 then 'Gen Y'

        when  datepart(year,dateOfBirth) between 1966 and 1979 then 'Gen X'

        when  datepart(year,dateOfBirth) between 1946 and 1965 then 'Baby Boomers'

        when  datepart(year,dateOfBirth) between 1925 and 1945 then 'Silent Generation'

        when  datepart(year,dateOfBirth) < 1925 then 'Greatest Generation'

        when  datepart(year,dateOfBirth) > 2025 then 'To Be Determined'

    end ageGeneration,


        when year(getdate()) - year(dateOfBirth) between 13 and 18 then '13 - 18'

        when  year(getdate()) - year(dateOfBirth) between 19 and 27 then  '19 - 27'

        when  year(getdate()) - year(dateOfBirth) between 28 and 35 then  '28 - 35'

        when  year(getdate()) - year(dateOfBirth) between 36 and 45 then  '36 - 45'

        when  year(getdate()) - year(dateOfBirth) between 46 and 55 then  '46 - 55'

        when  year(getdate()) - year(dateOfBirth) between 56 and 65 then  '56 - 65'

        when  year(getdate()) - year(dateOfBirth) >= 66 then  '65+'

    end ageGroup,


    dates.[year] dimYear, dates.[month] dimMonth,

        f.email, FirstDayOfMonth,

        max(annualSalary) annualSalary ,

        (sum(f.annualLeaveAllocated+MedicalLeaveAllocated+ParentLeaveAllocated+CasualLeaveAllocated+LongServiceLeaveAllocated)*8 -

        isnull(sum(l.hours),0)) * sum(f.annualSalary/c.[AverageYearlyWorkingHours]) ProductivitySavings,

        sum(f.annualLeaveAllocated+MedicalLeaveAllocated+ParentLeaveAllocated+CasualLeaveAllocated+LongServiceLeaveAllocated)*8 ProductivityGain,


        sum(f.annualSalary/c.[AverageYearlyWorkingHours]) hourlyRate,


        cast(sum(f.annualLeaveAllocated+MedicalLeaveAllocated+ParentLeaveAllocated+CasualLeaveAllocated+LongServiceLeaveAllocated) as decimal(28,2)) leavesGranted,

        cast(count(1) as decimal(28,2)) headcount,

        cast(isnull(sum(l.hours),0) as decimal(28,2)) leavesTaken,

        sum(f.annualLeaveAllocated) -


                when leaveType = 'Annual Leave' then [hours]

                else 0

            end) / 8 ) annualLeaveRemaingDays,

        sum(f.medicalLeaveAllocated) -


                when leaveType = 'Medical Leave' then [hours]

                else 0

            end) / 8 ) medicalLeaveRemaingDays



        from hr.factHr f

        cross join

            (select distinct [year], LastDayOfMonth, FirstDayOfMonth, [month] from shared.dateDimension) dates

        left outer join hr.leaves l

        on l.employeeId = f.employeeId

        and [date]   <= LastDayOfMonth

        cross join hr.companyDetail c

        inner join hr.department d

        on d.departmentId = f.departmentId


            dateofJoining <= LastDayOfMonth


            ( terminationDate is null

            or terminationDate > LastDayOfMonth)

            group by f.Globalclientid ,d.departmentName,leaveType, dateOfBirth,


        f.employeeid,f.email, dates.[year], dates.[month],FirstDayOfMonth) dataset

    where dimYear = 2018

    and dimMonth = 1

    group by departmentName

1 Answer

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Convert Complex SQL Query to DAX

As I mentioned at Convert SQL Query to DAX Formula in Power BI, DAX operates in a very different way from SQL Query! there is no direct way to convert such complex SQL queries to DAX.

Instead, you should create a SQL view and read it in your Power BI dashboard!
This is would be helpful because all calculations will be done on the SQL side, not on the Power BI side!

Convert Complex SQL Query to DAX

Even if you try to do that! it's for sure will affect the performance on the Power BI side and it will not work as expected!

If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!