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in Web Development by 25 39 44

I am getting a 'HTTP error 500.19 – Internal server error'. And in the detailed error information it says that “Cannot read configuration file because it exceeds the maximum file size” and my web.config file size is more than 250KB.

How to solve this HTTP error 500.19 – Internal server error?

1 Answer

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by 25 39 44
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Solving: Cannot read configuration file because it exceeds the maximum file size

The default maximum limit to config file is 250KB. You can change this value by editing the Registry Key by following these steps:


  1. Open regedit app
  2. Open this path “\HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\InetStp\Configuration”
    - If there is no Configuration key create it, by right click on InetStp folder then click add a new key called Configuration.

  3. Right click on Configuration folder, then click on add a new DWORD, name it as “MaxWebConfigFileSizeInKB”, and add a value as the new max size of the config file.

  4. Restart the application pool in IIS.
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