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Is there a simple, GUI-based way to check all the permissions a specific user has across Microsoft Fabric items? 

For example, I want to see which reports, warehouses, lakehouses, or databases a user can access and what their permission levels are for each.

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How to get user permissions in Microsoft Fabric?

Currently, there isn’t a built-in, GUI-based feature in Microsoft Fabric that allows you to view a comprehensive list of a user’s permissions across all Fabric items like reports, warehouses, lakehouses, and databases in one place.

Workaround: to get user permissions in Microsoft Fabric

You can use PowerShell and Fabric’s REST APIs to query permissions for a specific user across multiple items as stated below:


P.S: Permissions management in Fabric is typically handled at the individual item level (e.g., datasets, reports, or workspaces).

See Also

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