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in Power Apps by 22 28 42
My app has become quite complex with multiple screens and a large number of controls. I've started noticing performance slowdowns. Are there any recommended limits on the number of controls that can be used in a Power Apps application?

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Does Power Apps have limitations regarding the number of controls in an app?

Yes, Power Apps imposes a recommended limit of 500 controls per app. Exceeding this number can lead to performance issues.

How to improve PowerApps Performance?

To improve PowerApps App performance, consider

  • Using reusable components and
  • splitting the app into smaller, modular apps.
  • Use only the necessary data connections to avoid extra overhead.
  • Use delegable data sources (e.g., SharePoint, Dataverse, or SQL Server) and ensure queries are delegable to handle large datasets efficiently.
  • Reduce the number of controls on a single screen as each control increases load time.
  • Cache frequently used data in collections instead of querying data sources repeatedly.
  • Load data from multiple data sources simultaneously using the Concurrent() function.
  • Avoid using complex formulas in repeated operations (e.g., OnVisible, OnStart) and calculate values once, storing them in variables or collections.
  • Preload data at the app's start or during screen transitions to reduce delays when users interact with controls.
  • Compress and resize images, videos, and audio files to reduce app size and load time.
  • Turn off unnecessary preview features and animations to boost app responsiveness.
  • Use the PowerApps Monitor tool to identify bottlenecks and optimize data retrieval, control rendering, and formula execution.

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