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I am using SharePoint online and try to save list with content as a template but I wasn't able to save it and I got the bellow error

Sorry, something went wrong

The list is too large to save as a template. The size of a template cannot exceed 52428800 bytes

Any help to increase template size limit sharepoint online?

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Exceed template size limit SharePoint Online

As a short answer: You can’t increase the site/list template size limit in SharePoint Online.
If the SharePoint online list template size is more than 52 MB, you will not be able to save it as a template and you will get the below error message:

The list is too large to save as a template. The size of a template cannot exceed 52428800 bytes


Actually, there is no workaround in SharePoint Online to exceed list template size limit, and to avoid this issue,

  • You must try to save a SharePoint list with a size of less than 52 MB.
  • or save the list without content if you just need to use the same SharePoint list structure.

Note: You can’t also increase the SITE template size limit in SharePoint Online.

Increase template size limit SharePoint 2016

In the SharePoint Server 2016 / 2013, you can exceed the site template size limit using PowerShell as mentioned at Save Site as Template Common Issues.
But it's strongly recommended to use the default supported list template size limit (52MB).

For more details, Please check Missing save site as template SharePoint Online

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