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in SharePoint Server by 40 49 56
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I am working with SharePoint 2016, I need to change linked to item with edit menu from title column to different column in a SharePoint list without any workaround.

Change Title linked to item with edit menu to different column

PS. I tried the SharePoint Designer option, but it changes the link to item, not linked to item with edit menu!

1 Answer

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Best answer

Change linked to item with edit menu to a different column in SharePoint List

As a short answer, there is NO OOTB option to change the linked to item with edit menu to another column in a SharePoint list.

The available workarounds are

But, you should be aware of the workaround of using SharePoint Designer will ONLY show the Linked to Item to another column as shown below,

Linked To Item in SharePoint List SharePoint 2016

Not the "Linked to item with edit menu" as shown below:

Linked To Item with edit menu to another column in SharePoint List SharePoint 2016

Also, the changes that will be applied using SharePoint Designer will be rollbacked, once you perform changes in your SharePoint List View.

Therefore, to be able to change the "linked to item with edit menu" to another column rather than the default, you should use PowerShell as mentioned at Change Linked to Item with Edit Menu In SharePoint 2016.

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