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in SQL Server by 12 12 19
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Today, I am working on upgrading SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2012 but during the upgrade, I encountered a stopper error related to IIS Security Modes for Report Server.

Unsupported IIS Security Modes for Report Server
Unsupported IIS Security Modes for Report Manager

Unsupported IIS Security Modes for Report Server

Any clue how can I solve Unsupported IIS Security Modes for Report Server error?

1 Answer

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How to solve Unsupported IIS Security Modes for Report Server?

This issue usually occurs if there is a related IIS service that was stopped or not working properly.

To investigate this issue, you should make sure that the following services are up and running:

  1. IIS Admin Service.
  2. SQL Server Reporting Service.
  3. World Wide Web Publishing Service.
  4. Windows Process Activation Service.

Check IIS Admin Service Status

  • Open Services.
  • Search for IIS Admin Service.
  • Make sure that the service status is Running.
  • If it's stopped, try to start it. if it's already started, try to restart it.

Start IIS Admin Center in Windows Server

IIS Admin Service enables this server to administer the IIS Metabase that stores configuration for the SMTP.

Check SQL Server Reporting Services Status

  • Again, search for SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • Make sure that the service status is Running.
  • If it's stopped, try to start it. if it's already started, try to restart it.

SQL Server Reporting Services-min

SQL Server Reporting Services manages, executes, renders, schedules, and delivers reports.

Check World Wide Web Publishing Service Status

  • Again, search for World Wide Web Publishing Service.
  • Make sure that the service status is Running.
  • If it's stopped, try to start it. if it's already started, try to restart it.

World Wide Web Publishing Service

World Wide Web Publishing Service provides Web connectivity and administration through the Internet Information Services Manager.

Check Windows Process Activation Service Status

  • Again, search for Windows Process Activation Service.
  • Make sure that the service status is Running.
  • If it's stopped, try to start it. if it's already started, try to restart it.

Windows Process Activation Service

Windows Process Activation Service provides process activation, resource management, and health management services for message-activated applications.

See Also

by 12 12 19
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Many thanks for this great answer! In my case, the IIS Admin Service stopped
If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!