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I'm currently using Master Data Management (MDM) in SQL Server for my organization's data management needs. With the evolving landscape of SQL Server features, I'm concerned about the long-term support for MDM.

Is there an official end-of-life date for MDM in SQL Server? Any insights or official documentation references would be greatly appreciated.

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End-of-Life (EOL) date for Master Data Management Service in SQL Server

I believe the End-of-Life (EOL) date for Master Data Management (MDM) in SQL Server aligns with the support lifecycle of the specific SQL Server version you are using.

  • For SQL Server 2016, which includes MDM, the mainstream support ended on July 13, 2021, and extended support will continue until July 14, 2026.
  • For SQL Server 2019, mainstream support is set to end on January 7, 2025, with extended support continuing until January 7, 2030.

To get the most accurate information for your version, you should check the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy or the SQL Server Support Lifecycle pages.


I inquired with Microsoft about the end-of-life date for Master Data Service (MDS), and they provided this information: July 2025.

If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!