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in SharePoint Server by 7 8 13

I have a SharePoint Server 2019 and I am planning to use Power APPs and Power Automate with SharePoint lists in SharePoint on-premises, I know I must install on-premises data gateway but I had noticed that in the documentation it only supports SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016.

Supported SharePoint versions for on-premises data gateway

Is it possible to install on-premises data gateway for SharePoint 2019?

1 Answer

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by 165 229 450
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Does the on-premises data gateway support SharePoint 2019?

As a short answer: Yes, you can install the on-premises data gateway in SharePoint 2019 environment.
I also have checked the attached link. it was published in 2016, and it may be outdated info!

Supported SharePoint Versions

  • SharePoint Server 2019.
  • SharePoint Server 2016.
  • SharePoint Server 2013.
  • SharePoint Foundation 2013.

How to install on-premises data gateway?

To install an on-premises data gateway, you should do the following:

  1. Download and install the gateway on your server as mentioned at Install an on-premises data gateway.
  2. Configure the gateway based on your firewall and other network requirements as mentioned at Use the on-premises data gateway app
  3. Add gateway admins who can also manage and administer other network requirements as mentioned at Manage an on-premises data gateway
  4. If you faced any error during the installation and configuration, check this troubleshooting guide

Check also What is an on-premises data gateway?

by 7 8 13
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Thanks for your reply, Do I need license to use flow in SharePoint 2019 with data gateway?
by 165 229 450
1 0
Sure, your users need at least Power Automate Plan 1, It would be great to ask this question in a new thread to provide a detailed answer to be helpful for all, Also lease, don't forget to mark the answer as accepted and u[pvote it in case it helped you :)
by 7 8 13
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I will, thanks again!
If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!