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in Power BI by 29 38 41

I am new to DAX, and I need to know the main differences between RELATED Vs LOOKUPVALUE DAX functions in Power BI? and when I can use the RELATED DAX function and LOOKUPVALUE DAX function, and which DAX function is good for performance in Power BI?

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RELATED and LOOKUPVALUE are DAX functions that used in a calculated column when you need to reference columns from another table to the current table.

Lookupvalue vs related comparison in Power BI

As you can see in the above table, RELATED and LOOKUPVALUE have the same result, however, each function has its own syntax and usage.

When to use RELATED function in Power BI?

You should use the RELATED DAX function if the current two tables have already a relationship.

use related function with one-one relationship tables in Power BI

For more details, Please check What’s RELATED DAX Function? and When you should use it?

When to use LOOKUPVALUE function in Power BI?

You should use the LOOKUPVALUE function if you can’t create a relationship between the two tables.

use related function with two unrelated tables in Power BI

For more details, Please check What’s LOOKUPVALUE DAX Function? and When you should use it?

Which DAX function is good for performance?

For better performance, it’s more efficient to use the RELATED function rather than the LOOKUPVALUE function if you CAN establish a relationship between the two tables.

See Also

by 29 38 41
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Links very helpful, thank you!
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