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I have a one-many relationship between two tables in Power BI, and I am trying to use the RELATED function to pull data from another related table but the RELATED function doesn't show the related column and the IntelliSense of RELATED function doesn't work as below

RELATED can not find the related column in the other table in Power BI

Even if I provide the column name manually, the RELATED function can not find the related column in the other table and I got this error

The column either doesn't exist or doesn't have a relationship to any table available in the current context.

The column either doesn't exist or doesn't have a relationship to any table available in the current context

I am sure that the provided column exists and the relationship is already done between the two tables, Am I missing something? and Why the RELATED function doesn't work although there is an established relationship??

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In Power BI, if you got this error The column either doesn't exist or doesn't have a relationship to any table available in the current context. when using the RELATED function, so that it generally means:

  • The provided column name is not correct or not exist.
  • There is no relationship between the tables that you are trying to reference a column from one table to another.

Note: You must create a relationship to can use the RELATED DAX function.

However, if you are sure that the tables already have a relationship and the provided column name is correct but the RELATED function still is not working as expected and the IntelliSense doesn't list any suggested columns, so you maybe encounter this behavior due to one of the below reasons:

  1. The current relationship is not active.
  2. The current relationship is a many-many relationship or limited relationship.
  3. The current relationship is configured with an incorrect column.
  4. The current relationship is a many-one relationship and you are trying to use the RELATED function in the Lookup table, not in the Fact table.

To know how to overcome the above issues and get the RELATED function work as expected and the IntelliSense list suggested columns, Please check Why the RELATED DAX function is not working in Power BI?

See Also

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