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Since the beginning of the pandemic, eCommerce sites have seen a drastic rise in customers. The trend of online shopping has grown dramatically. 

This leads to an increase in the integration of payment getaways onto websites.


PayPal is among the most widely used online payment platform, which boasts several capabilities ranging from credit card transactions to advanced digital wallet features. 

From both the client's and the business's perspective, PayPal proves to be a beneficial payment platform for performing transactions. 

PayPal integrations translate to the top level of security. Sensitive user data is encrypted and stored on a separate server where it remains protected. The security system sends updates to users whenever a transaction is made. 

PayPal is the best platform for eCommerce sites since all security protocols are met when transactions are performed to and from the business's account. 

The platform complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI), which means every payment made to and from the business is legal. 

PayPal Integrations provides developers with APIs and a separate testing platform called PayPal Sandbox. 

This means development teams can simultaneously keep a close eye on the site's performance and process API requests. The best part is real accounts are not required for this. 

PayPal offers its services to people from over 200 countries globally and has established a reputation for exceptional performance. Most eCommerce businesses use it for transactional purposes.

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