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I can't find JSON Column formatting in column heading In SharePoint 2016

missing json column formatting in SharePoint 2016

I also went to List Settings, Column Setting and I can't find JSON Column Formatting Option!

JSON column formatting in SharePoint 2016

FYI: My farm patched with Feature Pack 2

Please help to use JSON Column Formatting in SharePoint 2016 list

1 Answer

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Best answer

Missing JSON Column Formatting in SharePoint 2016

Unfortunately, you can't use JSON Column Formatting in SharePoint 2016 as well as SharePoint 2013.

JSON column formatting in SharePoint 2013

Supported SharePoint Versions for Column Formatting

JSON Column Formatting option is only available and supported for the below SharePoint versions:

  • SharePoint Server 2019.
  • SharePoint Online.
  • SharePoint Online Small Bussiness.

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