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in Power Apps by 2 3 10
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I can't save a new Power app to cloud, I encountered this error

 could not acquire storage. try again later

PowerApps could not acquire storage. try again later

Error when acquiring storage (Result Code: FailedToAcquireStorage): Invalid response for getStorage call. Status Code: <unknown>. Response: <unknown>
StackLength: 1438
Stack: Core.ApplicationError: <MESSAGE REMOVED>
    at t [as constructor] (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/js/Core.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:1:123725)
    at t [as constructor] (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/js/Core.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:1:214193)
    at new t (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/js/AppMagic.Authoring.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:1:956983)
    at u.<anonymous> (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/js/AppMagic.Authoring.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:1:1148430)
    at https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/js/Core.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:1:279685
    at Object.next (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/js/Core.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:1:279791)
    at a (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/js/Core.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:1:278559)
    at Object.p [as _notify] (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:2:37490)
    at Object.enter (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:2:41571)
    at c.Class.derive._creator._run (https://cdn-paaprodneu.azureedge.net/v3.20023.8.146717513/studio/openSource/modified/winjs/js/base.js?v=3.20023.8.146717513:2:42892)

I tried to do the following:

  • I cleared the browser cache,
  • I changed the browser.
  • I signed out then signed it again with no avail!

PS: I can save Power App to my computer but I can't save it to cloud

What should I do to solve this issue "Error when acquiring storage"?

Update: I closed all sessions for all browsers and I opened PowerApps again, but in this time, I encountered another error when I opened the PowerApps studio!!

Sorry, there's been a disconnect
We can't get that information right now. Either try again or check our support page to see if there are any known issues.Hide details

Request failed with status code 401
Time: 2020-04-08T23:17:25.265Z
Session ID: 08861110-79ef-11ea-bec9-b5bc186df799
Error: Request failed with status code 401 at e.exports (https://content.powerapps.com/resource/makerx/static/js/module/main.9a72c9a2.js:2:1970160) at e.exports (https://content.powerapps.com/resource/makerx/static/js/module/main.9a72c9a2.js:2:1970000) at XMLHttpRequest.p.onreadystatechange (https://content.powerapps.com/resource/makerx/static/js/module/main.9a72c9a2.js:2:1968959)

Please help.

by 166 231 453
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Hello @John, Which browser you are using? I tried to trace this issue on my tenant and everything is working properly! I am using Chrome!

1 Answer

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Best answer

Could not acquire storage. try again later in Power Apps

As I don't have the same problem "Can't save a new app to cloud in Power Apps" for my tenant using Google Chrome, I have decided to use another browser like Edge to try to generate the same issue on my side.

Therefore, I did the following:

  • I opened a new InPrivate session in Microsoft Edge.
  • I am able to connect to Office 365 without issue.
  • I tried to create a new PowerApp that created successfully.
  • Now I tried to save the new app to the cloud, and surprisingly I faced the same issue that you already face.

    Error when acquiring storage (Result Code: FailedToAcquireStorage): Invalid response for getStorage call.

  • At this point, I tried to
    - Close all opened sessions for all browsers event google chrome.
    - Clear the cookies and cache for the Microsoft Edge browser.

    Can't Save new App to cloud in Power Apps, clear cookies and cache

    • Add office 365 URL "office.com" and power apps URL "powerapps.com" to the trusted zone in Internet Explorer.

      Add Power Apps to trusted sites settings

    • Reopen Microsoft Edge again and I signed in to the office 365.

  • From the office 365 landing page, I clicked on the PowerApp icon to lunch it.
  • On this one, the Power Apps didn't work from the beginning and I got this error. (I think it's the same issue that you are facing)

    Sorry, there's been a disconnect
    We can't get that information right now. Either try again or check our support page to see if there are any known issues.

After approximately one hour, I tried again to do all the above steps. but at this time, I added two additional steps.

  • I added the Power Apps URL "powerapps.com" to the compatibility view.

    Could not acquire storage. try again later in Power Apps

    Add Power Apps in compatibility view settings

  • I reopened Microsoft Edge in the InPrivate session.
  • I signed to office 365, open Power Apps, create a new app, then click Save to save the app to the cloud.
  • Great, the new app has been saved successfully to the cloud.
  • I have tried to create a new app that saved to the cloud properly.
  • Furthermore, I opened an existing app on my computer and tried to save it to the cloud that also saved without any issue.

    Power Apps storage error Can't Save new App to the cloud

In conclusion, to be honest, I don't know actually what's specifically the root cause for this issue.

  • It may be a browser compatibility issue or
  • A temporary issue that needs to contact Microsoft Support.

But as per my investigation journey, the issue is mainly related to the Edge Browser compatibility where I didn't face the same issue on my tenant at Google Chrome.

by 2 3 10
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Thank you bro, you saved my day ♥
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