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in SharePoint Server by 32 37 43

In SharePoint 2019, I am trying to create a new workflow with SharePoint Designer, but when clicking on publish I got this error "The Workflow contains errors but they are not visible in the current view" although there is no red higlighted error in my SharePoint Designer workflow, How can i solve this error? 

The Workflow contains errors but they are not visible in the current view in SharePoint Designer

I also closed and reopened the SharePoint Designer again with no avail! 

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The Workflow contains errors but they are not visible in the current view

To avoid this issue "The Workflow contains errors but they are not visible in the current view", below are some instructions you have to do when creating a SharePoint workflow

  1. Try to avoid coping and past your actions and create it from scratch. I know it's very boring to recreate a repeated actions but this would help you to avoid this issue.

  2. Also, if you have renamed your workflow variables after it were created, try to update all actions that have been affected by this update, and it's recommended to define most of variables before use it.

Solving: The Workflow contains errors but they are not visible in the current view

To solve this issue "The Workflow contains errors but they are not visible in the current view", you have to do the following:

  1. Close and Reopen the SharePoint Designer again, and click on check for the errors.
    errors not shown in SharePoint Designer
  2. If the issue still exist, try to clear the SharePoint Designer Cache.
  3. Again, if you still facing the same issue, try to restart IIS, and restart the SharePoint Timer Service.

     C:\users\melqassas > IIsReset
     C:\users\melqassas> net stop TimerServiceV4
     C:\users\melqassas> net start TimerServiceV4

In case the above instructions didn't solve your issue, so you have to follow the mentioned instructions at Errors in workflow are not visible in SharePoint Designer.

by 32 37 43
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Thanks a lot Mohamed, restarting IIS helped me to solve my problem
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