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I am using my personal Microsoft outlook account to use Microsoft Lists and I need to know when creating a new Microsoft List with my personal account where it's stored. Is Microsoft List stored in Azure storage or SharePoint or OneDrive or something else?

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What's the storage location for Microsoft lists?

It depends on which account you are using to create the Microsoft List Is it your free Microsoft account or your Microsoft 365 account? as well as from Where you are creating the Microsoft List?

  • In case, you are using the free Microsoft account, the Microsoft lists are stored in your Personal OneDrive.
  • In case, you are using a Microsoft 365 account, and have created your Microsoft list from the Microsoft Lists portal, the Microsoft lists will be stored in your Personal SharePoint site.
  • In case, you are using a Microsoft 365 account, and have created your Microsoft list from SharePoint or Microsoft Teams, the Microsoft lists will be stored in the SharePoint site collection for this site or team.

See Also, Where are files saved in Microsoft Teams?

If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!