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in Power Automate by 24 27 35
Are there any restrictions on the number of variables that can be used in Power Automate? I currently have a large number of variables in my flow and I am unsure if there is a maximum limit on the number of variables that can be used in Power Automate. I am concerned that there may be limitations, so what is the maximum number of variables that can be used in a Power Automate flow?

1 Answer

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Best answer

Power Automat Variables Limit Per Flow

The maximum number of variables that can be used in a Power Automate flow is 250 variables and you can't extend this limit by any means.

Power Automat Variables Limit Per Flow

Ref: The official documentation Power Automate Limits

by 24 27 35
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Thanks for letting me know :)
If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!