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I have an issue related to my custom system master page and i can't open the SharePoint site settings to change it back to the default master page, so How can I change seeting master page in SharePoint 2019 site using PowerShell?

set master page in SharePoint 2019 using PowerShell

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How to change System Master Page in SharePoint 2019 using PowerShell

To set the System Master Page in SharePoint 2019 using PowerShell, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open SharePoint Management Shell as Administrator
  2. Run the below PowerShell Script with your site URL

     $SPWeb = Get-SPWeb "http://debug.to/sites/HR/"   #P.S: SiteURL
     #Set the current site master page to the default master page
     $SPWeb.CustomMasterURL = "/sites/HR/_catalogs/masterpage/oslo.master" 
  3. Go back to refresh your site, that should now use the default site master page

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