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in Power BI by 27 33 39

I am trying to get data from an Excel file in Power BI Desktop, but I got this error "Model object names must be non-empty".

Power BI Model object names must be non-empty

Can you help me to know Why I got this error "Model object names must be non-empty" and how to solve it?

1 Answer

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Solving: Model object names must be non-empty

in Power BI, the "Model object names must be non-empty" occurs If one of the columns in your Excel file does NOT have a name, as shown below:

Power BI Model object names must be non-empty

So in this case, you just need to do the following:

  1. Open your Excel File.
  2. Review all columns headers and ensure that every column has a name.

See Also

by 27 33 39
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Thanks Mohamed, it was the issue
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