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I'm using SharePoint 2019 and I'm trying to edit a page on my site, but I get this error: "This page has been declared a record or placed on hold and is locked as read-only."

This page has been declared a record or placed on hold and is locked as read-only.

As you can see, the Edit button is disabled as well as I can't even undo the checkout to discard the page changes. How can I fix this error so that I can edit my page in SharePoint 2019?

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Solving: This page has been declared a record or placed on hold

The error message "This page has been declared a record or placed on hold and is locked as read-only" indicates that the page has been declared as a record or placed on hold. This means that it is protected from editing.

To solve this issue, you have to do the following:


  1. As a site admin or a farm account , login to your site that you are facing this issue.
  2. Click on the settings gear icon, and click on "Site Contents".
  3. Click on Pages library to open it.
  4. On the page that you are facing the issue, click on the three dots ... > Advanced > Discard Check-Out.
    Splved: This page has been declared a record or placed on hold and is locked as read-only
  5. Try now to edit your page that should be editable now.

Besides the above solution, you can fix this error "This page has been declared a record or placed on hold and is locked as read-only", using SharePoint Designer as stated below:

  1. Open your site using SharePoint Designer.
  2. Go to All Files > Pages.
  3. Right click on your page, and select "Undo Check-Out"
    Undo checkout

See Also

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