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in SharePoint by 26 39 44

I want to transfar a document library and lists from one site to another using powershell.How to export document library and lists to .cmp files using powershell?


1 Answer

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by 26 39 44

To Export Document library and lists use "Export-SPWeb" cmdlet

For Document Library:

Export-SPWeb -Identity {Subsite Url} -ItemUrl {DocLibName} -Path {"ExportFile.cmp"} -Force -Verbose
Export-SPWeb -Identity https://debug.to/questions -ItemUrl Sharepoint -Path "C:\Sharepoint\data.cmp" -Force -Verbose

Note: there is no "/" before the library name.

For Lists:

Export-SPWeb -Identity {Subsite Url} -ItemUrl {Lists/ListName} -Path {"ExportFile.cmp"} -Force -Verbose
Export-SPWeb -Identity https://debug.to/questions -ItemUrl Lists/Answers -Path "C:\Answers\data.cmp" -Force -Verbose
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