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I'm working on a SharePoint 2019 event receiver and I need to count the number of items in a list that belong to a specific content type. I've tried using the SPList.ItemCount property, but it gives the total item count, not the count for a specific content type.

Here's what I've tried so far:

public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)

    SPItem item = properties.ListItem;   

    SPList list = item.ParentList;

    SPContentType itemContentType = list.ContentTypes.GetById(item.ContentTypeId);

    // How to count items of the same content type as the current item?

I'm looking for a way to efficiently count the items of the same content type as the newly added item in SharePoint event Receiver.

Any suggestions or code examples would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

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SharePoint 2019: Count Items based on Specific Content Type in SharePoint Event Receiver

To get the item count in a SharePoint event receiver based on a specific content type and a condition, you can use a CAML query to filter items in the list.

        <FieldRef Name="ContentType" />
        <Value Type="Text">YourContentTypeName</Value>

Here's an example of how to implement this in your SharePoint event receiver:

using Microsoft.SharePoint;

public override int ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)

    SPList list = properties.List;

    // Define the CAML query to filter by content type 
    SPQuery query = new SPQuery
        Query = @"
                        <FieldRef Name='ContentType' />
                         <Value Type='Text'>YourContentTypeName</Value>

    // Execute the query
    SPListItemCollection items = list.GetItems(query);

    // Get the count of the filtered items
    int itemCount = items.Count;
    return itemCount;
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