Looks like the issue is mainly related to the Internal column name of the Approval Status column
as well as the assigned Workflow Approval Status value
at this line in your code:
if(item.ODATA__ModerationStatus == "Approved")
So in your case, you should do the following:
- replace this column name
with the internal column status name.
- Assign the Workflow Approval Status Value to the corresponding SharePoint Workflow Approval Status Code as below:
SharePoint Workflow Status Code
SharePoint Workflow Status Value SharePoint Workflow Status Code
Not Started 0
Failed on Start 1
In Progress 2
Error Occurred 3
Canceled 4
Completed 5
Failed on Start (retrying) 6
Error Occurred (retrying) 7
Canceled 15
Approved 16
Rejected 17
Based on the above info, you have to update your code with the correct workflow internal column name
and the corresponding SharePoint workflow approval status code
as below
if(item.Approve == "16") approvedCount += 1 ;
if(item.Approve == "17") rejectedCount += 1 ;
if(item.Approve == "2") inprogressCount += 1 ;
As per my test on my side, I got the below output