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in Power Apps by 22 28 42
I'm building a gallery in Power Apps that pulls data from a SharePoint list. The list contains over 5,000 items, but I noticed that only a portion of the data is loaded into my app. Is there a default limit on the number of items Power Apps can retrieve? If so, can this limit be extended, and what are the implications of increasing it?

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Number of items Limits Power Apps can retrieve in SharePoint

By default, Power Apps can retrieve up to 500 items from a data source. This limit can be extended to a maximum of 2,000 items by adjusting the app settings. However, increasing this limit might impact performance, especially with larger datasets.

PowerApps Data Row Limit Settings

Power Apps has a delegation limit of 2,000 items for SharePoint Online by default. Delegation techniques must be used to handle larger datasets efficiently, such as filtering or sorting data at the source instead of loading it entirely into Power Apps.

  • Open App Settings
  • General > Data row limit.
  • Set the value from 1 to Max 2000.

Data row limit in Power Apps

See also, How to overcome PowerApps Delegation limit?

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