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I have a Canvas App in Power Apps where users fill out a form, including their email address as a text input. Once they submit the form, I want to automatically send them a confirmation email.

How can I integrate Power Apps with Power Automate to send an email upon form submission?

1 Answer

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Integrate Power Apps with Power Automate

You can integrate Power Apps with Power Automate to send an email automatically when a user submits a form by following these steps:


1️⃣ Open Power Apps and go to the Canvas App where you want to send emails.
2️⃣ Click on Power Automate in the left menu.

3️⃣ Click + Add flow → Create a new flow.

4️⃣On the Create your flow screen, from the list of instant templates, select Click a button in Power Apps to send an email.

5️⃣The To field is automatically auto-populated with To: Sendanemail(V2)_To.
6️⃣Select Save to save the flow.
7️⃣In Power Apps, select the Submit button of your form.
8️⃣Use this formula in the OnSelect property:


Replace SendEmailFlow with the actual name of your flow and EmailInput with your text input control name.

See Also

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