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in SharePoint Server by 1 1 1
good evening,

i have a SharePoint list with some columns i want to use java script to disable text field in the newform

to prevent users from writing in this text

how can i perform this?
by 168 234 458
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Which SharePoint field type you would like to disable? Is it rich multiline text, choose field ... etc, Please edit your question and add more details to can help you faster! Also, you can check  this https://spgeeks.devoworx.com/?s=disable+sharepoint+field

1 Answer

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by 168 234 458

How to Disable Textbox field in SharePoint List

You can disable textbox field in sharepoint list new form and edit form using JQuery as mentioned Disable SharePoint Field Using JQuery.

How to Disable SharePoint Field Using JQuery?

Disable Radio Button field in SharePoint List

You can disable Radio Button field in sharepoint list new form and edit form using JQuery as mentioned Disable Choice Field On Edit Form in SharePoint 2016.

Disable Radio Button on Edit form using JQuery in SharePoint

Disable Choice field in SharePoint List

You can disable Choice field in sharepoint list new form and edit form using JQuery as mentioned Disable Choice Field On Edit Form in SharePoint 2016.

Disable Rich Text field in SharePoint List

You can disable Rich Text field in sharepoint list new form and edit form using JQuery as mentioned SharePoint Disable Rich Text Field On Edit Form.

Disable Multiline Text field in SharePoint New form

You can disable Multiline Text field in sharepoint list new form and edit form using JQuery as mentioned Disable SharePoint Multiline TextBox Field In Edit Form.

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