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in PowerShell by 39 45 52

In PowerShell, I am trying to get the current date by running the below script. but As you can see, the date is displayed in long format and I just want to know how to get the current date in PowerShell in short format "yyyy-MM/dd".

PS C:\Users\gracertine> $(Get-Date)

Sunday, November 8, 2020 4:59:15 AM

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How to get the current date in a short date format in PowerShell?

To get the current date in a short date format in PowerShell, you should use ToString() function as the following:



get date in short format in powershell

How to get the current Time in PowerShell?

To get the current Time in Hour:Minutes:Seconds format in PowerShell, you should use the below cmdlet:



get time in powershell

How to get the AM/PM Time in PowerShell?

To get the current Time in AM/PM format in PowerShell, you should use "tt" as below:

$(Get-Date).ToString('hh:mm:ss tt')


get am pm in powershell

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