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I am trying to import a Power Apps package from one tenant to another and it as been imported successfully. However, when trying to edit the the imported Power Apps I got this error: PowerApps the environment not found, please select another environment.

Failed to get authorized.  xhr error. Status: 404, response: {"error":{"code":"ServiceToServiceEnvironmentNotFound","message":"The environment 'Default-40f0b575-0cf3-4095-bdd6-04c460e39ee8' could not be found in the tenant 'b2c76087-535a-49ed-b9fe-708ccd17701d'."}}
code: ServiceToServiceEnvironmentNotFound
Session ID: 725c96a8-6a69-4297-bd08-d3b304dc4a5b

Power Apps Environment not found. please select another environment

1 Answer

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Best answer

To solve this error "PowerApps the environment not found, please select another environment", you just need to open clear the browser cache or open your app in a private session.

Solving the environment not found in Power Apps

I encountered this error before when I tried to edit an imported app so that I just opened a new private session in the browser and the the environment not found error is gone!
However, in case the private session doesn't help on your side, so try to do the following:

  1. Clear the browser cache.
    • Microsoft Edge.
    • Google Chrome.
  2. Provide the current user can access the data within the environment.

1) Clear the browser cache for Power Apps in Microsoft Edge

  1. Go to settings > Click on Privacy.
    clear browser cache in Microsoft Edge
  2. At Clear browsing data section, click on Choose what to clear button.
    clear browsing data in Edge for PowerApps
  3. Make sure that you have checked at least "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files".
    clear cookies for powerapps

2) Clear the browser cache for Power Apps in Google Chrome

In case, you are using the Google Chrome browser to edit your Power Apps app, so you can clear browsing data by doing the following:

  1. Click CTRL+H to open the history, then click on the Clear browsing data link.
    clear cookies in chrome for powerapps
  2. Make sure the "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files" have checked, then click on the Clear data button.
    clear browsing data in chrome for PowerApps

3) Manage Users data access for PowerApps Environment

In case, the clearing cache solution doesn't help, so you should make sure that the current user has access to the data for this environment in Microsoft Power Platform Admin Center by doing the following:

  1. Open Microsoft Power Platform Admin Center.
  2. In the Environments list, Click on the environment name to view its details.
    manage environment in Power platform admin center
  3. From the above toolbar, click on Settings to manage the environment.
    Power platform environment settings
  4. Below "Users + Permissions" > click on Users.
    user and permissions in Power Platform admin center
  5. Make sure the user who tries to edit the PowerApps app is listed, if not, try to add it by clicking on "Add users" from the above toolbar.
    add user for an environment in Microsoft Power Platform admin center

See Also

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