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in GitHub by 1 1 3
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I am new to GitHub, I don't know How can I add a new folder in my new repository in GitHub? The available option is only for "Create a new file"! but there's no option to create a new folder

Can't find add folder option in github

Any Thoughts,


1 Answer

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Best answer

How to add a new folder and subfolder in GitHub?

To add a new folder and subfolder in GitHub, you should do the following steps:

  1. Open your GitHub repository that you would like to create a new folder inside it.
  2. Click on "Add file" > select "Create a new File".
    create a new folder in github
  3. In the textbox, type your folder name, then type / "Slash".
  4. Repeat the above step if you need to add new subfolders.
    create a new subfolder in github
  5. Finally, type your file name and commit your file.

How to create a new folder in GitHub

How to upload folder and subfolder in GitHub?

Alternatively, you can also add a new folder in GitHub as the following:

  1. Open the directory that you would like to add a new folder or subfolder.
  2. Click on "Add File" > Select "Upload files".
  3. Drag and drop your folder as shown below:

add subfolder in github.gif

Note: you can't add an empty folder though the drag and drop method, the folder must have at least one file to be able to upload it.

See Also

by 1 1 3
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It's awesome explanation, thanks for your help and quick response!
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