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I got this error "This trial environment can’t be converted to production because your org (tenant) needs at least 1 GB of database capacity." when I tried to convert a trial environment to a production environment in Power Platform Admin Center.

Your environment's type will be changed to production. Learn more
This trial environment can’t be converted to production because your org (tenant) needs at least 1 GB of database capacity.
Request Id : d910f045-b907-48cc-b6c2-f1c75fc17a6d

This trial environment can’t be converted to production because your org (tenant) needs at least 1 GB of database capacity.

Even if I created a new sandbox or trial subscription-based or trial or production environment I got the same error "creating an environment requires At least 1GB of database capacity"!

This environment can't be created because your org (tenant) needs at least 1 GB of database capacity

PowerApps creating an environment requires At least 1GB database capacity

1 Answer

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Best answer

Looks like you are using a Sedded plan that bundled with Microsoft 365 E3, E5, or Office 365 E3, this plan provides you a 1 GB database capacity that by default assigned to the default environment.

How to check Database capacity in Microsoft Power Platform Admin Center?

To check Database capacity in Microsoft Power Platform Admin Center, you should do the following:


  1. log in to the Power Platform Admin Center as Administrator.
  2. Go to Resources > Capacity > check the Summary tab.
    dataverse capacity in PowerApps

How to exceed or extend Storage Capacity in Power Platform?

In this case, if you don't have a sufficient database capacity of at least 1 GB, you will not be able to create a new environment and you only have the below three options:

  1. Free up storage to have at least 1 GB database capacity to be able to create a new environment.
  2. Delete unwanted environments.
  3. Purchase additional capacity (Power APPs per User or Power Apps per App or CDS capacity add-on) from Microsft 365 Admin center > Purchase Services.
    Microsoft Admin Center purchase services

For more details, Please check

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