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in Project Online by 3 3 4

I am new to Project Online, and I currently have a PWA instance that provisioned by default when open Project Online. but I would like to create a new PWA instance in Project Online for test purposes. Is it possible to create multiple PWA instances in Project Online? If yes, How can I create a new PWA Instance in Project Online?

create a new PWA instance in Project Online?

1 Answer

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Best answer

Is it possible to create multiple PWA instances in Project Online?

As a short Answer: Yes, you can create multiple Project Web App Sites in Project Online.

How to create a new PWA Instance in Project Online?

To create a new PWA instance in Project Online, you should do the following:

  1. Click on App launcher > then select Admins to open Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
    open SharePoint admin center
  2. Click on Show All to show All Admin centers that available in your tenant.
    show all admin center in Microsoft 365
  3. Click on SharePoint to open the SharePoint Admin Center.
    sharepoint admin center
  4. Once the SharePoint Admin Center Opened, Click on Active Sites.
    open active SharePoint sites
  5. At the Active Sites, click on Create to create a new Site.
    create a new PWA in Project Online
  6. On the right side dialog, click on Other Options.
    create a new Project web app site
  7. Here, you can change the site template to Project Web App Site as below.
    how to create a new project web app site in Project Online
  8. Fill in all the required info, and select the default site language as you prefer then click on Finish to start provisioning a new PWA site.

    create a new PWA site in Arabic in Project Online

See Also

by 3 3 4
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very helpful Thank you!
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