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I am working in Project Online, and I have already a PWA instance that has been created by default with English but when I changing the language settings and add Arabic as an alternative language it's not switched to the alternative language automatically and still shows with the default language.

change site language in Project Online.

1 Answer

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To reflect the alternative language in Project Online, you have to adjust the Display Languages in the Language and Region settings for the current user.

How to Change the Language in Project Online?

To show the PWA instance in Project Online with your alternative language, not the default language you have to do the following:

  1. Set the Alternative language in Project Online.
  2. Adjust the Display Languages in the Language and Region settings for the current user.

1) Set the Alternative language in Project Online

  1. Open PWA instance > Click on the Setting gear icon then click on Site Settings.
    site settings in Project Online
  2. Below Site Administration, Click on Site Languages.
    change language settings in Project Online
  3. Click on Show Advanced Settings.
    show project online in arabic language
  4. Select the alternative languages as you prefer.
  5. Set Overwrite translations to on then click Save.
    add arabic to project online

2) Adjust the Display Languages in the Language and Region settings for the current user

  1. Again, Click on Regional Settings below Site Administration.
    change regional settings in Project Online
  2. Add ?Type=User at the end of the address bar.
    open regional settings for user in project online
  3. At My Display Languages:, Pick your preferred language that you would like to be displayed in Project Online then Click on Add.
    change language for a specific user in Project Online
  4. Move the new language to the top of the default language then click on OK.
    display language in Project Online
  5. Now, the PWA site should be shown now with your alternative language instead of the default site language.
    show project online in arabic language instead of english language

See Also

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