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in SharePoint Server by 13 13 19

I have a SharePoint 2016 farm with Workflow Manager installed and I need to create a SharePoint site collection with Publishing Site with Workflow template but I can't find the "Publishing Site with Workflow" template in the Publishing tab below

Missing Publishing Site with Workflow in SharePoint 2016

However in other SharePoint 2019 farm that doesn't have workflow manager installed, I can find the Publishing Site with Workflow template is listed in Publishing tab

publishing site with workflow SharePoint 2019

In this case, How can I create a SharePoint site collection with Publishing Site with Workflow template?

1 Answer

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Best answer

As per my test on many farms with different SharePoint versions, I can find the Publishing Site with Workflow Template listed in the Publishing tab without no issue!
However, to avoid such behavior, you can create a Publishing Site with Workflow using Powershell as the following:

Create a Publishing Site with Workflow using PowerShell in SharePoint 2019

  1. Open SharePoint Management Shell as Administrator.
  2. Run the below cmdlet to create a Publishing Site with Workflow using this site template code BLANKINTERNET#2 as below

     New-SPSite https://webApp/sites/test -OwnerAlias "DOMAIN\melqassas" -Language 1033 -Template BLANKINTERNET#2

Check also New-SPSite

See also

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