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In Microsoft Teams, How many participants can join a meeting? and Which license is required for each number of people in a meeting in Microsoft Teams?

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Number of people limits in Meetings in Microsoft Teams Per License

The number of participants can join a meeting in Microsoft Teams up to 20,000 users as the following:

  1. 300 users can join a meeting in Microsoft Teams with fully interactive meeting capabilities in which the organizer has
    • Microsoft 365 A1
  2. 1,000 users can join a meeting in Microsoft Teams with fully interactive meeting capabilities in which the organizer has
    • Microsoft 365 E3/E5,
    • Microsoft 365 A3/A5,
    • Microsoft 365 Government G3/G5 (GCC, GCC High, DoD)
  3. Participants over 1,000 up to 20,000 have View-only capabilities in which the organizer has a license for E3/E5/A3/A5 SKU, as well as, Government (GCC, GCC High, DoD).

The usual 10,000 is increased to 20,000 through December 31, 2022. and for the best experience in large meetings, Microsoft recommends using the latest version of Teams desktop client or Teams mobile clients.

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