What's Microsoft Build?
Microsoft Build is the biggest annual conference event held by Microsoft, it aimed at software engineers and developers using Microsoft technologies.

Where will Microsoft Build Digital Event take place?
Microsoft had planned to hold Microsoft Build in Seattle, but due to COVID-19, Microsoft announced the Microsoft Build event will be an online digital event.
When will Microsoft Build Digital Event take place?
Microsoft Build digital event taking place on May 19–20, 2020
- Starts: May 19, 2020, at 8 AM Pacific Time
- Ends: May 21, 2020, at 8 AM Pacific Time
Is Microsoft Build Digital Event free?
Yes, Microsoft Build Digital Event is FREE for this year.
Due to COVID-19, developers will no longer have to pay the $2,395 to attend this event.
How can I register for Microsoft Build Digital Event?
To get full, interactive access to the Microsoft Build Digital Event, you must register to the event at Microsoft Build Registration Link
Can I register to Microsoft Build Digital Event using My Linkedin or GitHub account?
No, you can't. Instead, you should use
- Microsoft Account.
- Microsoft Domain.
- Work Account or School Account.
Note: Registering by Work or School Acounnt requires Admin Approval.
Build your Schedule
Once you registered to the Microsoft Build digital event, sign in as attendee to build your schedule by checking out all the learning opportunities (601 sessions) available and determine which sessions are right for you.
Topics covered in Microsoft Build Event
- Cloud Development,
- Developer Tools & DevOps,
- Data and Analytics,
- AI and Machine Learning,
- Language and Frameworks,
- Business Applications,
- Teams Apps.
Microsoft Build Event Agenda (Seattle (PDT))

Featured speakers
- Satya Nadella @satyanadella
- Allison Buchholtz-Au @allison_au
- Amanda Silver @amandaksilver
- Donovan Brown @donovanbrown
- James Phillips @JamesMPhillips
- Jeff Hollan @jeffhollan
- Julia White @julwhite
- Kayla Cinnamon @cinnamon_msft
- Kevin Gallo @kevintgallo
- Kevin Scott @kevin_scott
- Lila Tretikov @lilatretikov
- Luis Vargas @luisvargas2
- Maddy Leger @maddyleger1
- Peter Lee @peteratmsr
- Rajesh Jha @rajeshjha
- Rohan Kumar @rohankdata
- Scott Guthrie @scottgu
- Scott Hanselman @shanselman
- Yina Arenas @yina_arenas

Browse the full list of event speakers at Speakers Directory
Watch Microsoft Build 2020 Live Stream
CEO Satya Nadella's opening remarks

Need Support
If you have any questions or need assistance, you can contact the Registration Team at Build@microsoft.regsvc.com
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