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in SharePoint Server by 26 39 44

I am installing the cumulative update to all servers on the farm, and when I try to execute the configuration wizard, it indicates that there is a server that has not been installed, as shown in the error message below.

"Error: Some farm products and patches were not detected on this or other servers. If products or patches are missing locally, you must quit this program and install the required products and patches on this server before restarting this wizard. If products or patches are missing on other servers, you must install the required products and patches on the specific servers, and you may then click the Refresh button to perform the status check again."

However, it is already installed; even when I try to install it again, it shows a pop up message that this update is already installed.

1 Answer

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by 26 39 44
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Solving: Some farm products and patches were not detected on this or other servers

When you execute the Products configuration wizard, SharePoint will automatically check the installed product version. If any server is missing a specific patch, you will receive this error message "Some farm products and patches were not detected on this or other servers", and SharePoint will not allow the SharePoint Configuration Wizard to proceed.

To resolve this issue, you have to do the following:

  • If you see the "update is already installed" message, Check that the update has been installed in Control Panel --> Programs and Features --> Recently Installed Updates.
  • Run the following PowerShell command from that server to refresh the installed patch data:

      Get-SPProduct -local
  • Rerun the configuration wizard again, it should complete successfully.

If the issue still exist, Make sure that all the SharePoint CU files have been installed on all servers within your farm.

See Also

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