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in SharePoint Server by 1 1 1

I have installed all the PreReq for SharePoint 2019. One of the PreReq is saying it was successful but when I try to run the SharePoint Install it error out with "Windows Server AppFabric is not correctly configured. You should uninstall Windows Appfrabic and reinstall it using the SharePoint Preparation tool"

"This product requires Windows AppFabric and all its features.
Install  Windows Server AppFabric with all features and re-run setup. 
Windows Server AppFabric is not correctly configured. You should uninstall Windows Appfrabic and reinstall it using the SharePoint Preparation tool". 

I have tried the Prep tool and install it manually and still get the same error message.

Any help would be grateful

1 Answer

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How to configure SharePoint 2019 Windows Server AppFabric correctly?

To configure Windows Server AppFabric correctly in SharePoint 2019, I would suggest to use the SharePoint Perpetration Tool with enabling Internet Connection on your SharePoint Server. However, if you can't enable internet Connection on your Server, so you have to install Windows Server AppFabric manually by following the blow steps:

  1. Copy the Windows Server AppFabric setup file “WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe” to drive C:/ (or any location as you prefer)
  2. Open Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
  3. Navigate to the folder path that you have placed the Windows Server AppFabric setup file “WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe“.
  4. Run the “WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe” with theses parameters “/i CacheClient,CachingService,CacheAdmin /gac“.

     .\WindowsServerAppFabricSetup_x64.exe/i CacheClient","CachingService","CacheAdmin /gac
  5. Install Cumulative Update 7 (3092423) for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1
  6. After the Windows AppFabric Cumulative Updated is installed, you must reboot the server.
  7. After server restart, try now to run SharePoint Installation again where the “Windows Server AppFabric is not correctly configured.” error should not be listed, you can start your SharePoint installation now.

Check other solutions and the detailed steps at the main reference at Windows Server AppFabric is not correctly configured in SharePoint 2019/2016

In case the above solutions didn't fix the SharePoint 2019 Windows Server AppFabric is not correctly configured error, maybe you are trying to install SharePoint 2019 on the same database server as a standalone implementation, and in this case, you should do the following:

  1. Install SharePoint 2019 prerequisites first.
  2. Install SharePoint 2019.
  3. Install SQL Server.
  4. Run SharePoint Configuration wizard.

If the issue still persist, you have to check the log file and update us with your findings to can help you further!

by 1 1 1
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Thanks for the tip. One thing i did not mention but I am standing up this SharePoint that does not have access to the internet. Secondly this install will me on a VM using VMware/VSphere.
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